June 13, 2020
Video : Free Kindergarten Readiness at Home Learning - Waterford UPSTART

May 21, 2020
SHS Jr/Sr Banquet and Prom 2020 will be held on Friday, July 10, at the South Complex. We know that this is not ideal for all. but we are so happy that we will still be able to p...
May 21, 2020
Write journal prompts and put in a jar. Ask your child to pull one out each day and write about it in her/his journal. :)
May 19, 2020
*Ask a relative to be a pen pal. Kids can write complete sentences/paragraphs for their message, create drawings or copy simple words to mail! And it's fun to get letters back! ...
May 19, 2020
Check out our Summer Reading Folder in Documents!! Suggestions/Activities for Fun Summer Reading!!
May 12, 2020
Thank you everyone, for all your hard work in making distance learning happen! You have done so much and taken on a huge task to make learning in a new way possible!! Have a wonde...
April 21, 2020
I have been impressed with how our students, teachers, and parents have adapted to the off-site learning that has been required since the schools were ordered to close in mid-Marc...

April 16, 2020
Members of the Stanley High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter attended the 53 rd annual North Dakota FBLA State Leadership Conference March 27 – April 3, 2...

March 28, 2020
Students in Mrs. Evensvold's Desktop Publishing class designed Facebook banners for Stanley Schools, FBLA, or themselves for this week's online learning assignment. Take a look at...

March 13, 2020
On Tuesday, March 3rd, the Elementary School hosted several schools including our own for our 4th annual junior high speech meet. Students in grades 5th through 8th grade particip...
March 12, 2020
With the
ongoing concerns about Coronavirus, we want you to know that the safety and
health of our students, staff, and community is one of our top
priorities. We will continu...

March 5, 2020
Mrs. Evensvold's Business Communications class spent time creating and hosting a virtual business meeting during the past week. The purpose of this project was to expose students ...
March 2, 2020
The speech team has been busy the last few weeks traveling to Nedrose on February 22nd, and a few went east to West Fargo for a tournament. Here are the results: Nedrose—
1st ...

February 14, 2020
The Stanley Speech Team participated in the speech meet at Trinity Christian school last Saturday. Here are the results: 1st place Serious Duo—Kodie Clark and Sidney Woodhouse, ...

February 3, 2020
A mix of our Varsity and JV members headed to Washburn Saturday for their speech meet. Here are the results: Serious Prose: 1st place—Sidney Woodhouse (state qualifier) 3rd pl...

January 28, 2020
Stanley elementary has a
new addition to its activities available to students. The first STEM club at
the elementary school was
formed by Mrs.
Jennifer Neset and
Mrs. Jenni...

January 27, 2020
Here are the results from the speech tournament held in Ray yesterday (Saturday): Macee Jones, 1st place Extemp Speech (state qualifier) and 3rd place Persuade Sidney Woodhou...

December 8, 2019
No objections here! These forensic seniors just conducted the courtroom battle of 2019 with completion of mock trials.Thanks to the jury members and folks at the Mountrail Country...